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Article's author: Evgenia Sabitskaya
Published: 2012-08-24
Reviews: 7760
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Monument to Poetess Eudoxia Los.

Monument to Poetess Eudoxia Los | Monuments and Sculptures | Vitebsk - AttractionsMonument to Poetess Eudoxia Los set in 1996 at Lenin Library in a frame of beautiful blue spruces, is a living proof that Vitebsk citizens appreciate the culture of Vitebsk and deeply respect poets and writers of the native land.

Eudoxia Los lived an interesting but short life (the poetess died at the age of 48). She was born in Ushachi district, Vitebsk region in an ordinary peasant family. During her life she wrote 11 books of poetry, seven books of children's poetry and two books of prose, singing historical and modern Vitebsk.

The poet visited Vitebsk only once, at celebration of 1000 anniversary of the city, having a creative meeting with the public and readers. She returned 22 years later is also on the birthday of Vitebsk, but in already bronze. The monument to poetess Eudoxia Los, cast in bronze, had lain on the shelf of Vitebsk special plant for about 5 years – the city had no money to install it, so many citizens came on July 16, 1996 to see the monument to the poetess in Vitebsk. Its creators - sculptor Valery Moguchy and architect Valery Rybakov - despaired to see their work in the urban interior. On the day of opening of this beautiful monument in Vitebsk a solemn meeting was held in commemoration of Eudoxia Los, which was attended by her son and sister.

Monument to Poetess Eudoxia Los | Monuments and Sculptures | Vitebsk - AttractionsIt is curious that the fact of building of the monument to the poetess caused outrage among Vitebsk Communists who made categorical statement: "We want to see Lenin here, not Los!", hinting the fact that the Regional Library is also one of the sights in Vitebsk, which bears the name of the great communist leader. The architectural design provided cutting down a couple of fir trees during the building of the monument which impeded to observe the sculpture, so elderly citizens of Vitebsk protested, claiming that the fur trees were taken from the former Leningrad, that`s why they had been destroyed. However, despite of fierce protests, the monument to the poetess Eudoxia Los was erected.

And today the bronze poetess watches happy couples who register their marriages in the registry office opposite and wed in the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral. If you go down from the cathedral down the road, you can see the site of the Summer Amphitheatre gathering hundreds of pop stars every year.

On the other side of the library, at Victory Square, memorial complex "Three bayonets" is located proudly looking at the sky.

You can learn about other attractions of the city on the portal about Vitebsk, containing full information on the memorial places of Vitebsk, VitebskCity.by.