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Article's author: Svetlana Vysotskaya
Published: 2012-08-28
Reviews: 8349
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Suvorov Street: a treasury of sights.

Suvorov Street | Squares, Streets, Bridges | Vitebsk - AttractionsTo bathe in the XVIII century - what could be easier? It is enough to walk down Suvorov Street in Vitebsk. The main part of the buildings of the street belongs to the XVIII-XIX century and in spite of centuries of trial, has perfectly preserved to this day. There's even different atmosphere, enigmatic and mysterious...

You can walk in Vitebsk endlessly long, and all because every time you will open up a completely unknown city, even if you come to the same place twice. The secret is that the sights of Vitebsk are unique and impregnated with the spirit of their time, which allows them to appear as a multifaceted textbook before the guests and residents of Vitebsk, where another attempt to know the truth will lead you to a new page in the life of the city.

Vitebsk streets are no exceptions. Cozy, bright, harmonious - they are calling to walk across the expanse of your native city, each time showing an entirely new image of Vitebsk. Whether it is an image of the ancient city impregnated with gray legends, whether it's a modern image, framed in metallic lace and mirrored walls - every time Vitebsk will be fine, fine in its own way.

How to start a walk, what to see in Vitebsk – it is difficult to answer clearly. It is possible, for the first time, just to walk down Suvorov Street, which is located in the heart of the city. By the way, it is one of the oldest streets in Vitebsk. As the pages of the history of Vitebsk testifies, Suvorov Street was formed in the late XIV - early XV centuries and until the XIX century it had been called Uzgorskaya. In XVI-XVII centuries modern Suvorov Street placed the Presentation Church, and an inn.

In the middle of the XIX century the street was renamed and got a new name - Oficerskaya. Only in 1900 the street was named in honour of A. Suvorov. At the beginning of XX century in Suvorov Street there were some Vitebsk attractions – a male seminary, the City Hall, the Resurrection Church, a synagogue, a post and telegraph office and an excise office.

After the October Revolution, the street was renamed again - and Suvorov Street became Volodarskaya Street. Soon here new attractions appeared – an art college and a metal products factory. However, the new name did not stuck for long – in a couple of years the street was renamed back.

During the Great Patriotic War Suvorov Street little suffered: only some buildings were destroyed, in the postwar period five-storey house appeared on the same place. The most remarkable thing is that, despite the vicissitudes of the centuries, Suvorov Street could keep the original building of the XIX century.

By the way, there are unique specimens among the buildings, which have come down to us from the XVIII century. For example, the City Hall. And the house number 2 is no less remarkable, there is a restaurant "Vitebsk tavern" and "Coffee Shop" now. And at the end of the XVIII century it housed strip malls. Restaurant "Golden Lion" in Suvorov Street is also noteworthy; in the XIX century it was a city mansion. And the house number 44, which now hosts one of the faculties of the Vitebsk State University, has previously owned by men's seminary. As you can see every house has its own secret. And we can find the key. It may be enough to visit the site of Vitebsk, and, perhaps, you would make a trip to the city.

And if you do not know what to see in Vitebsk, we will help you make the right choice. Suvorov Street is a kind of guide to the many sights of Vitebsk: the City Hall - a monument of the XVIII century and the Resurrection Church. You can also walk around Vitebsk Zoo and visit the Monument to the Heroes of the War of 1812, which also has a no less interesting history of its creation. Why these objects are included in the treasury of cultural heritage of Vitebskcity portal VitebskCity.by will help you find the answer.