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Article's author: Svetlana Vysotskaya
Published: 2012-12-06
Reviews: 7515
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"Hygea – the Goddess of Health" fountain: rainbow mood in Vitebsk.

"Hygea – the Goddess of Health" Fountain | Fountains | Vitebsk - AttractionsMiracles do not just happen, they live among us. You only need to see them. You will make it sure yourself, it is enough to see "Hygea – the Goddess of Health" Fountain which had recently appeared in Vitebsk. Silver overflow of water, which is harmoniously complemented by lighting in the evening, gives a sense of fabulousness, peace and tranquility.

Vitebsk is a dream city, a fairytale city, a place where everyday fuss and unprecedented calm, modern solemnity and mysterious past meet. If you are looking for the wonders of the rapid routine, then it's time to come to Vitebsk, even if the city is completely unknown to you and you do not know what to see in Vitebsk.

Perhaps the pages of city portal VitebskCity.by will tell the ideas and routes for unforgettable adventures. If you look here, you will once again make sure how diverse and rich is the culture of Vitebsk, where, as if in a mirror, reflected the pages of the history lived; its most remarkable chapters are reflected in the modern life of the city.

Vitebsk is a city of romantic persons, a cozy corner of the Earth, where even the most unreal hopes come true, where amazing views of Vitebsk stunning architecture and parks emerge and flourish with every dawn again and again. However Vitebsk fountains deserve special attention. And a special place in the life of the city and Vitebsk residents is occupied by "Hygea – the Goddess of Medicine" Fountain. It could be truly called a pearl of Frunze Avenue and original complement the architectural ensemble of Vitebsk State Medical University.

"Hygea – the Goddess of Health" Fountain | Fountains | Vitebsk - Attractions"Hygea – the Goddess of Medicine" Fountain appeared in Vitebsk in 2006 instead of the former fountain-bath. Bright decoration of the new fountain is the Greek goddess Hygea, which is set in the centre of the building and rises majestically above the ringing water. But in the evening the fountain is the most beautiful, when the city lights flash up - and "Hygea – the Goddess of Medicine" obtains charming beauty. Special attraction and mystery of the fountain is attached by colorful lights, which radiate an atmosphere of romantic mystery, mystique and ease.

Please, do not hurry to leave. Enjoy the festive drippings of the fountain; appreciate the atmosphere of romance and magic, which has permeated the air here. To feel all this, take a leisurely stroll in Frunze Park, who solemnly towers with thick caps of the trees near "Hygea – the Goddess of Medicine" Fountain. A little trip to the Museum of Vitebsk Tram History and a walk in the Summer Amphitheater will help to complement the wonderful acquaintance with Vitebsk. And if you want to make sure that the past and present could not simply exist side by side, but complement each other, take a good look at the building of Vitebsk State Medical University, which difficult and tragic history makes you freeze from the ups and downs experienced by. If you're wondering why these buildings are included in the priceless treasury of attractions of the culture of Vitebsk, look at Vitebsk site where you will find answers to any questions. You will also learn the secret of the most popular sights of Vitebsk, which have been heard a lot not only in Belarus, but in the whole world.