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Article's author: Anastasia Cherkas
Published: 2012-09-08
Reviews: 9139
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Frunze Culture and Rest Park.

Frunze Culture and Rest Park | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsEach of us quite often asks "How to spend the weekend? Where to go?" I do not think I could give a universal answer to this question, but I`d love to answer the question "Where to go in Vitebsk?" To be alone, to get thoughts together, to feel united with nature, or simply to spend free time with the family, enjoying the quiet murmur of the river, a slight rustle of trees and the calming view of the surrounding landscape. Attractive? Then Frunze Culture and Rest Park is for you.

Frunze Culture and Rest Park | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsGenerally in Vitebsk there are enough parks, but Frunze Park is perhaps one of the most colorful and beloved. It always pleases you with its beauty. Juicy, bright green, through which the chirping of birds sounds in spring; pleasant cool in the shade of old trees in summer; soft, like spangles, snowdrifts, sparkling in the sun in a winter sunny day; a whispering kaleidoscope of leaves in autumn ... Whatever time you have not looked here, it, like a good old friend, will be glad to see you.

In the XX century the Jesuit College in Vitebsk, which was in modern Liberty Square and a part of Frunze Park, was located the bishop's house. Therefore, this park was originally known as Bishops. And only in 1926, this Vitebsk park got the name, which is now known to every Vitebsk resident – Frunze Culture and Rest Park, in the name of the famous political and military leader.

Frunze Culture and Rest Park | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsFrunze Culture and Rest Park | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsVisiting this park is probably the best variant to relax at the weekend in Vitebsk. Frunze Culture and Rest Park is more suitable for lovers of peace and solitude. You can hardly meet here large families decided to have a picnic, not getting out of the city of Vitebsk. And young people, sweeping with the whirlwind on roller skates, come here rarely. You will probably find a happy couple, not reducing the eye with each other and not noticing anything around, or grandmothers, perambulating sleeping babies back and forth. In general, if you are a romantic person, who loves to contemplate the clouds slowly floating through the rustling green, feed the ducks or just lazy to think of anything in peace and quiet, then you should definitely visit this attraction in Vitebsk. And in summer, during the Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk this park becomes its direct opposite, driving you crazy with the variety of offered articles and products made with their own hands, for every taste and colour.

Frunze Culture and Rest Park | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsIts beauty could be discussed again and again… In the depths of the park you can see a bridge with ornate lattice, which runs across the river, which gave the name to this wonderful city that you love with all your heart. Winding path under your feet - and you are near the stairs that leads you to the Cultural and Business Centre "Vitebsk". It is located right in the centre of the park, on a hill. It could be achieved through the Bridge of the 1000th Anniversary of Vitebsk, which lies across the river Vitba River and opens a beautiful view to the park.

Next to Freedom Square, opposite the City Hall, one of the most famous attractions of Vitebsk, a Fountain with a romantic name "Junction of Three Rivers" is located. It symbolizes the union of the rivers flowing through VitebskDvina, Vitba and Luchesa. You can learn about these attractions of Vitebsk more completely on our city portal VitebskCity.by.