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Article's author: Svetlana Vysotskaya
Published: 2012-09-16
Reviews: 12232
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Zoo: a trip to a dreamland.

Zoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsA Zoo is an amazing place, where both children and adults like to spend their free time. It has everything you need for a holiday: exotic animals, beautiful landscapes and small miracles. That is why Vitebsk citizens and visitors prefer the Zoo to a number of other parks in Vitebsk to visit once again to recall childhood.

Vitebsk is a real tourist attraction. It relates not just the rich historical and cultural heritage. The modernity has written no less interesting pages in the history of Vitebsk. For example, you cannot ignore both magnificent temples, and rivers and parks in Vitebsk. It is the rustle of leaves and a silver jingle of fleeting rivers has weaved a wonderful world of fascinating views of Vitebsk. They make visitors and residents look at the city of Vitebsk in a new light.

Zoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsZoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsFor example, Vitebsk Zoo. This is probably one of the most popular places in the city, which easily brings together representatives of different generations. Here children and grandchildren, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers like to spend their free time.

Zoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsZoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsModern Zoo in Vitebsk consists of two parts located in different parts of the city. In the historical centre of Vitebsk was built the old Zoo (17 Y.Kupala str.), and the new one with comfortable and spacious enclosures for animals is located on Moskovsky Avenue (microdistrict Bilevo).

Zoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsThe new Zoo, being built in several stages, covers a municipal park area. They began to build it in 2010, but in early 2012 a part of animals from the old Zoo was accommodated in new aviaries.

Zoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsThe history of Vitebsk mentions March 30, 1992 - the day when the Zoo received its first visitors. And before the opening of the Zoo in Vitebsk, boys and girls enjoyed the local theater of animals. Later, a building that housed the theater of animals, opened Vitebsk seminary.

Zoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsZoo | Parks and Public Gardens | Vitebsk - AttractionsToday Vitebsk Zoo has more than 76 species of birds and animals - little more than a thousand. The variety of species, represented in the Zoo, encourages: there is an antelope, cameroon goats and sheep, bears, nosuhi and llamas. And more recently, the visitors enjoy the presence of the animal king lion and belarusian auroch. By the way, the money to buy some Zoo inhabitants was collected by all together the whole world - not only Vitebsk companies but also citizens have made their possible assistance. As promised the managers of Vitebsk Zoo, animals cages, purchased on the money collected, will have signs of appreciation to the donors.

Walking around the Zoo in Vitebsk, do not rush to leave, and give yourself even more enjoyable and memorable moments. You may not go far to make sure again that you can see in Vitebsk so much interesting! Indeed, not far from the Zoo there are real gems in the chain of Vitebsk attractions. They include the magnificent Holy Assumption Cathedral, with its bells ringing solemnly over the space of Vitebsk, as if hiding the city from the vicissitudes of fate with an invisible robe. Nearby there is another symbolic place for the city, which since ancient times has been considered a firm symbol of freedom – the City Hall. And certainly walk down Suvorov Street, visit the Monument to the Heroes of the War in 1812, to experience all the historical spirit, which still roams the streets of mysterious Vitebsk. And city portal VitebskCity.by will help not miss a single detail of the history of these sights.

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