Being caught in a strange city for the first time, it's important to have useful information about the city at hand, which will help not get lost among numerous streets and squares, but also find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. Vitebsk has luck out in this regard - all the necessary information about the city tourists could be found on city portal VitebskCity.By
The guests of the cultural capital of Belarus, in addition to bright and colourful description of the Vitebsk sights, will find lots of useful information on Vitebsk site to make such a distant and unfamiliar city even closer, more comfortable and dearer.
City portal VitebskCity.By will tell you not only important phone numbers in the city and addresses of hotels, but also many interesting facts about Belarusian holidays, national currency, routes and fares in city public transport.
Naturally, Vitebsk site contains much more useful information than it might seem at first glance. You should visit city portal VitebskCity.By to see that it has put together all actual information about Vitebsk. It will become a reliable assistant and a guide not only for tourists but also residents who want to learn and discover the great mystery of the ancient city. That's why, once planned a trip to Vitebsk, do not shelve the desired acquaintance and boldly go towards discoveries, and be sure you will succeed!
Taxi - Taxi
Public Transport - Vitebsk is a complex city; to solve its mystery will take not one day. On the way of research and discovery you cannot do without public transport in Vitebsk. Its routes scatter to all corners of the city as invisible threads, discovering the wonderful world of sights, immediately transforming an ordinary trip into an unforgettable journey.
Holidays & Festivals - Vitebsk is an unusual place, where a surprisingly harmonious combination of holiday, luxury and discreet serious rhythm of everyday life is felt in every breath. However, you realize it only later, comparing the images of the everyday city with fussy passerbys and the images of the holiday city, wrapped with the atmosphere of luxury, fun and general happiness.
Money of Belarus - Money has firmly settled in our life, and we do not spend a day without contacting it. Electronic cash, plastic cards and even cash in the wallet - each of these forms of keeping money opens up a world of endless possibilities, which make our life more comfortable and comfort.
Importent Telephone Numbers - Sometimes we are cought by surprises and minor troubles on the back foot bringing unplanned affairs and rush to our life. "Important Phone Numbers" heading of city portal VitebskCity.By will help not get lost and find a way out of even the most difficult situation. You can find here a list of telephone numbers that should always be at hand and will be useful for both guests of Vitebsk, and indigenous citizens.
Mobile operators - Mobile operators
Stations - Vitebsk is one of the most unique cultural centres of Belarus. And only few people thought that Vitebsk stations open a wonderful world of attractions of the city for the guests. From here start the hiking trails that surround the city and cozy corners of Vitebsk region as invisible threads.