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Article's author: Svetlana Vysotskaya
Published: 2012-08-31
Reviews: 8411
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The Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky: heartfelt art.

Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky | Religious Buildings | Vitebsk - AttractionsThe Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky was originally built as a temporary temple. But soon that status was removed, and the temple is scheduled to mark the beginning of a new tradition of modern Vitebsk.

The construction of the church fell on difficult top 90s of XX century. The erection of the church began in summer 1992. Initially it was planned that a temporary church will appear among the attractions of Vitebsk. Therefore, it decided to set it near the Annunciation Church, which at that time was under renovation and was closed. The construction of the temple was carried out by donations from parishioners under the guidance of talented architect E.Kolbovich.

Less than a year, on January 7, 1993, the Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky held its first Divine Liturgy. The altar was consecrated a little later - in early December 1995.

Perhaps the church is quite unique and distinctive in architecture of Vitebsk, because this temple was built in the best traditions of the north and Belarusian wooden architecture. The church is the true embodiment of beauty, so it is particularly stands out from other Vitebsk churches. And the matter is not only in appearance and rich decoration. All aspects of the church create a single heartfelt composition. Every detail is a meaningful part of a whole, is famous for its grace and majesty, which certainly makes culture of Vitebsk more saturated and attractive. The Church of Alexander Nevsky is unique and valuable due to the simplicity of solemn form. And once again you unwittingly convinced: the creation of the temple is not a simple craft but high art. And if you still have not decided what to see in Vitebsk, visit the church - you will not regret. Restrained, harmonious, comfortable and light, it creates a sense of security and reliability, giving parishioners a sense of self-confidence and in the future. The example of this church shows an undeniable axiom: not great palaces bursting with luxury but temples striking with restrained grandeur testify the level of the construction art.

Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky | Religious Buildings | Vitebsk - AttractionsBy the way, the temple was built in the style of a retrospective and a kind of modern tribute to Saint Alexander Nevsky and his Novgorod life period. Each element of interior decoration of the church is full of deep symbolism and holiness, the light and warmth, perhaps, that is why this temple is very popular among the worshipers, and so perfectly complies in the modern architecture of Vitebsk.

Although time has passed. The Annunciation Church opened its doors before the congregation, and in the history of the city of Vitebsk a new countdown has begun. And the Church of Alexander Nevsky continued to ring its bells solemnly, calling parishioners. It was made a wise decision not to suspend the service and remove the status of "temporary" from the temple.

But, nevertheless, changes in the near future are expected. According to the architectural planning of Vitebsk, in the near future next to the church it is planned to erect a monument to Alexander Nevsky, in whose honor it was built. Also the city was complemented by a new building of Wedding Palace. By the way, as soon as these two attractions will be embodied in a modern building in Vitebsk, another good tradition will be born in the city in the style of Alexander Nevsky wedding, who, according to numerous legends, was a faithful and honorable family man. And every church has its own interesting history. As you can see, churches of Vitebsk bear many secrets and mysteries, which are an integral part of the modern city.

If you decide to become better acquainted with this landmark of Vitebsk, you will not regret. After all, you will have the opportunity not only to study the style and architecture of the Temple of Alexander Nevsky, but also visit other cultural highlights of the city. Next door are the Annunciation Church (Zamkovaya Street, 1) and Drama Theatre named after Yakub Kolas (Zamkovaya Street, 2) For fans of folk art will be interesting to take walk through the Center for Arts and Crafts "Zadvinye" (Chaykovsky Street, 3) and enjoy unprecedented peace and romance of Pushkin Park. For more information about the attraction that are included in the priceless treasury of the highlights of the city, please visit Vitebsk site.

Address of the Temple of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky: Millenium sq., Vitebsk.
Phone: +375212 36 93 85
Abbot: priest Tarasius Fedorik.